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A Lady Amongst Mountains 

A Lady Amongst Mountains…I am sure you know someone who encompasses this title. She is strong, faithful, and fearless.   She believes in others when they don’t believe in themselves, and she overcomes obstacles that the majority hide from.  She is a mover and shaker.


Events by Jenny Lea at the Red River Gorge, and Megan Goble Photography + Film want to celebrate and recognize 12 of these amazing women who live or have lived in Eastern Kentucky.  Nominations will be reviewed, and our social media audiences will vote on the selections.  Their inspiring stories will be shared on social media and will be featured in a calendar where all proceeds from sales will benefit the victims of domestic violence.  In addition, during March of 2024 (the month of the international woman), Events by Jenny Lea at the Red River Gorge, and Megan Goble Photography + Film will host an event honoring these ladies and their families.  


The nominee must live or have lived in Eastern Kentucky. Nomination must be sent through the nomination form on our website: eventsbyjennylea.com

Nominations will be taken through September 15th, 2023.




Nomination Form 

Thanks for submitting!


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